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The Long and Winding Road
Jude: One could argue that the best songs of the twentieth century were written about love, which is funny, because when romance and music pair up, it normally leads to disaster. Though sometimes romantic sparks can lead to truly inspired music creativity. The trick is to keep those sparks from turning into a wild fire that destroys everything in its wake.
Darius Mills: Remember, T, you're still a mentor... and she's only seventeen, man. Tommy Quincy: She's my co-producer. And she'll be eighteen in less than a week. Darius Mills: What's that supposed to mean? Tommy Quincy: That I've done everything you've asked. That I've spent the last five years trying to make up for what happened. That Jude and I? We're none of your business. Darius Mills: Look, I just don't want to see anybody get hurt. Like Angie did. And? Jude is my artist. Tommy Quincy: But she's *my* girl.
Jude: Well acoustics are good. It's wide open. It's good for a ballad. Tommy: Mhm. Jude: Now what? Tommy: I remember when you thought acoustics was the name of the studio. Jude: I did not. Tommy: I'm just saying you've come away since we started working together. Many moons ago. Jude: Yeah well look who's talking, Mr. I didn't crack a smile for the first six months I knew you. Tommy picks up a flower off the ground to put in Jude's hair Tommy: So I guess we both changed.
Speed: Is it contained? Jamie: For now. What was on that tape? Kyle: Just a couple of badgers mating. Speed: And you had that in your car because? Kyle looks around. Awkward silence. Speed: Good.
Speed is playing with a soccer ball Jamie: Pagan is going to be here any minute. You've turned the place into a pepperoni petri dish! Speed: I've been blinded by science. And zesty tomato sauce.
Jude laughs Tommy: You know that used to make girls cry, not cackle. Jude: I don't cackle. Tommy: Well maybe you're not like other girls. Jude: Oh it's Little Tommy Q and your parachute pants are just so shiny!
Jude: Ok, out with it. The suspense is killing me! Tommy: It's about us. Jude: Us, us? Tommy: You know it's funny. When I was your age I was a mess. Made some mistakes. Jude: I make mistakes. Tommy: Not like this. But when I'm with you Jude, I can almost believe that I can be the man I should be. Jude: Look out! The car swerves off the road.
Jude: Don't touch me. Tommy: Just trying to help. Jude: You want to help me? Stop hurting me.
Jude: Can you please speak like a normal person for once? Tommy Quincy: You see, that is just it. I'm not normal. I'm one of the bad guys. Jude Harrison: You know, I just lost a best friend. You know what that taught me? Life's short. You want a happy one, you gotta grab it.
Jude: I know you care,Tommy... You save a look just for me. I know (edit)
Jamie: Hey Kyle! No running. And there's a ninety dollar bounty on Spiederman's head. Spread the word.
Tommy: You're a piece of work, Harrison. Jude: I get it... Tommy: You don't know how many times I've thought about asking you to just... leave with me... But there are things you don't know. Jude: I know I love you... There's my look. (edit)
Tommy: I actually think I'm going to like this whole co-producing thing after all.
Jude: I don't know what made Tommy change his mind, but I don't care. Because the truth is I'd follow him anywhere. (edit)