ja ok dann leih ich mir ma nen Hund von dir aus! *haha*
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lol so meint ich das net eher anders ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!!
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ja du meinst des ganze spiel oder?
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ja glaub schon![](http://img.homepagemodules.de/grin.gif) ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!!
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hab jetz ein eigenen Town ''Canada'' gemacht, wo viele stars leben (Paris Hilton, Alexz Johnson, Tim Rozon...) sogar bei der story handelt es um IS wie Jude ein star wurde usw..
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COOL!![](http://img.homepagemodules.de/rolling_eyes.gif) ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!!
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asoo oke jetzt scheck ichs danke fuers aufkleren! ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!!
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