WIsst ihr welche religion alexz hat intertessiert mich ma ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!! ******************************************
ich glaub sie is katholisch, weiß es aber net! ************************************************* ************************************************* *************************************************
okWere ma cool wenn sie evangelisch is! ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!! ******************************************
vl isse ja auch evangelisch! wie gesagt, ich weiß es ja net, hab nur so getippt weil ich auch katholisch bin lol ************************************************* ************************************************* *************************************************
lolok ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!! ******************************************
Ja! ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!! ******************************************
doch doch ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!! ******************************************
nee nee so net ************************************************* ************************************************* *************************************************
wie dann! ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!! ******************************************
Super! ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!! ******************************************
ich weiß! ************************************************* ************************************************* *************************************************
Gut!Das du es weisst! ***************************************** Tommy: You ready to do this? Jude: You ready to show how its done? Tommy: Oh There are so many innapropriate answers to that question!! ******************************************