stell dir mal vor lafeechen entpupt sich als Alexz fan kommt hier drauf und statt mitzulachen weint sie mit lol
MEINE HP: http://www.jmacandorlando.piczo.com SCHREIBT DOCH INS GÄSTEBUCH =P
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*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jude: Hey can you stop writing your groupies on your crackberry and listen to me? Tommy: Give me something worth listening to, and I might. * Jude: It's not like I'm going to be a doctor. Victoria: Oh, honey we don't know that yet. * Jamie: It's like we died and woke up in a Snoop Dogg video. * Jude: I look really messy and bus-ish don't I? Jamie: No, you look like a musician.
-***af03 tritt in den Brei.***- Enrique mizz ya
Feels like I'm running Running as fast as I can Feels like I'm trying Trying to understand why I keep crashing as hard as I can into you
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nö sie hört bestimmt sowas wie liza li, ihre "kumpanin" in der kreisch-teenie-welt
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jude: Hey can you stop writing your groupies on your crackberry and listen to me? Tommy: Give me something worth listening to, and I might. * Jude: It's not like I'm going to be a doctor. Victoria: Oh, honey we don't know that yet. * Jamie: It's like we died and woke up in a Snoop Dogg video. * Jude: I look really messy and bus-ish don't I? Jamie: No, you look like a musician.
-***af03 tritt in den Brei.***- Enrique mizz ya
Feels like I'm running Running as fast as I can Feels like I'm trying Trying to understand why I keep crashing as hard as I can into you
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ja geht aufs konzi von liza le und brüllt dne text sgcief mit da kann die ja besser singen als lafee oder ?
MEINE HP: http://www.jmacandorlando.piczo.com SCHREIBT DOCH INS GÄSTEBUCH =P
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boahdie sind sooooooooooooooooooo geil ich war auf jedem konzi mauhahahhahahhahahha wäre ja voll peinlcih wenn das stimmen würde
MEINE HP: http://www.jmacandorlando.piczo.com SCHREIBT DOCH INS GÄSTEBUCH =P
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hey glaub ich dir doch auf der stelle xD
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jude: Hey can you stop writing your groupies on your crackberry and listen to me? Tommy: Give me something worth listening to, and I might. * Jude: It's not like I'm going to be a doctor. Victoria: Oh, honey we don't know that yet. * Jamie: It's like we died and woke up in a Snoop Dogg video. * Jude: I look really messy and bus-ish don't I? Jamie: No, you look like a musician.
-***af03 tritt in den Brei.***- Enrique mizz ya
Feels like I'm running Running as fast as I can Feels like I'm trying Trying to understand why I keep crashing as hard as I can into you
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ja ich weiß lol so was tolles muss man ja nicht veheimlichen nicht war gibts zu du stehst doch auch drauf muahahhahahhahahha MEINE HP: http://www.jmacandorlando.piczo.comSCHREIBT DOCH INS GÄSTEBUCH =P
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*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jude: Hey can you stop writing your groupies on your crackberry and listen to me? Tommy: Give me something worth listening to, and I might. * Jude: It's not like I'm going to be a doctor. Victoria: Oh, honey we don't know that yet. * Jamie: It's like we died and woke up in a Snoop Dogg video. * Jude: I look really messy and bus-ish don't I? Jamie: No, you look like a musician.
-***af03 tritt in den Brei.***- Enrique mizz ya
Feels like I'm running Running as fast as I can Feels like I'm trying Trying to understand why I keep crashing as hard as I can into you
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*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jude: Hey can you stop writing your groupies on your crackberry and listen to me? Tommy: Give me something worth listening to, and I might. * Jude: It's not like I'm going to be a doctor. Victoria: Oh, honey we don't know that yet. * Jamie: It's like we died and woke up in a Snoop Dogg video. * Jude: I look really messy and bus-ish don't I? Jamie: No, you look like a musician.
-***af03 tritt in den Brei.***- Enrique mizz ya
Feels like I'm running Running as fast as I can Feels like I'm trying Trying to understand why I keep crashing as hard as I can into you
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